There are many versions of this traditional Ukrainian folk tale. This is one version I found on line. There are others. Jan Brett has written a wonderful children’s book with absolutely gorgeous illustrations (above) that every Ukrainian child should own.

A old man was walking through a forest with his dog following him. And he lost his mitten.
Along came a mouse and she climbed into the mitten. "Here I shall live," said the mouse.
When along came a frog who asked: "Who, who lives in this mitten?"
"Squeaky mouse, and who are you?" replied the mouse.
"Croaky frog" replied the frog "Will you let me in?"
"Come in."
Now there were two of them, when along came a rabbit and asked: "Who, who lives in this mitten?"
"Squeaky mouse and croaky frog, and who are you?"
"I'm hoppity rabbit, please let me in."
"All right, come in."
Now there were three, when along came a fox that asked: "Who, who lives in this mitten?
" Squeaky mouse, croaky frog and hoppity rabbit, and who are you?"
"I'm sister fox, let me in as well." Alright, come in."
Now there were four, when along came a wolf, and headed right for the mitten: "Who, who lives in this mitten?" asked the wolf.
"Squeaky mouse, croaky frog, hoppity rabbit and sister fox, and who are you?"
"Brother wolf" replied the wolf "let me in too."
"Oh alright, come in."
And the wolf climbed right in and now they were five.
Out of nowhere there came a wild boar: "Oink-grunt-grunt-oink! Who, who lives in this mitten?"
"Squeaky mouse, croaky frog, hoppity rabbit, sister fox and brother wolf, and who are you?"
"Oink-grunt-grunt-oink! I'm tusky boar, let me in as well."
"What are we to do? Everyone who comes along wants to get into the mitten!" exclaimed the animals. "There is no room for you!"
"I'll fit. Please let me in," said the boar.
"What are we to do with you? Come in."
And the boar climbed into the mitten. Now they were six, but so tightly packed in in that they could hardly move. When suddenly the underbrush crackled and there came a big brown bear that headed straight for the mitten: "Who, who lives in this mitten?" growled the bear.
"Squeaky mouse, croaky frog, hoppity rabbit, sister fox, brother wolf and tusky boar, and who are you?"
"Ha, ha, ha! There are so many of you in there. I'm troublesome bear, let me in too!"
"How will you fit? The mitten is already bursting at the seams!"
"Somehow we'll work it out."
"Oh, alright, come in. But keep to the side."
The bear climbed in.
Now they were seven, but so tightly packed in that the mitten was about to burst. The old man realized that he had lost a mitten and headed back, looking for the missing mitten, the dog running in front of him. The dog ran and ran, when ahead of him he saw the mitten. It was lying in the snow and moving. The dog barked: “woof-woof-woof.”
The frightened animals all ran out of the mitten and scattered throughout the forest. The old man came and took his mitten.