In May, much later than usual, I traveled to the UP, where I stayed with the Klemps in their red sandstone copper baron mansion.  I had time to cook, bird, and visit with all my friends, as well as attend Kara's high school graduation6.   

The weather was quite warm, and the blackflies (aka no-see’ums) made an unwelcome appearance; the bites itched for many weeks thereafter.  Although the scenery was gorgeous in the warm, sunny weather, the birding was poor, and the bites itched.  And itched.  Between the biting flies and the lack of birds, I prefer the cold of April.

(Right: Lorri, Kara and Rick Oikarinen)


  1. 1.Yet another opportunity to feel old.  I still have a baby picture I took of Kara hanging on my refrigerator.

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Upper Peninsula of Michigan