My Archive


Welcome to my archives  


On this part of the site I will be posting old family photos.  In preparation for my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary (February 12th, 2006) I began scanning our old family photos with the intention of having a slide presentation at the family party.  Like topsy, the project kept growing and growing, as I realized how many photos my family has taken over the years.  Thousands.


I’m going to slowly start posting them here, so that my friends, relatives, and anyone else who wants to can have a peek at them.  They are organized in the following fashion:




                    Uncle Alexander

                    Ukrainian Petrushas




            Detroit (to 1956)


            Chicago (to 1956)

            The Farm (Neillsville, Wisconsin)

                        Summer 1953-57  (At Work)

                        Summer 1953-57  (Friends and Family)

                        Winter 1953-57

            The 1950s

                        Baba’s Wedding






            The 1960s

            The 1970s

            The 1980s

            The 1990s

            The 2000s

I’ve begun to post the photos, but there are a lot more to do.  To see photos from the my digital era, 2003 onward, go to my Friends and Family section.

In addition, I have posted the presentation I did for their 50th anniversary here. It consists of 400+ slides spanning 70 years. There are up to seven photos per slide.  It’s divided into segments, and seems to be a bit slow to load.  (I may have made the slides too big.  But once it loads, it plays nicely.  Just be patient.)

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